Colored Strings

Ever since I started using the Polyphonic Multisample algorithm in the Disting Ex, and now the Disting NT, I wanted to do a string patch. For some unexplainable and inexplicable reason I never did. I got a taste of using string samples during a handful of Jamuary patches, particularly Jamuary 2507 and Jamuary 2510, when I experimented with using the very excellent Alexandernaut Fugue Machine and Decent Sampler, but I really wanted to do a string sample patch modular-style. At first I wanted to use the same string samples I used during Jamuary, the DK Solo Cello Spurs from Pianobook, but that did not work at all.1 After quickly pivoting to the LABS Low Strings Long samples included with the Disting NT, I was off.

Much of this patch is a simple altered duplicate of my last patch, so I won’t rehash the entire patch here. Many knob settings are different, and of course I triggered string and not piano samples, but the control and audio paths are largely identical. Because these string samples are inherently longer than piano notes, I had to drastically slow down The Hypster, the initial source for the master clock, in order to compensate and have Stochaos produce fewer gates. This slow down was coupled with using outputs on Stochaos that change much less often. I also tuned in the delay used on the string samples, the Qu-Bit Electronix Nautilus, to what I thought sounded best, thought I can’t recall the settings other than a long delay time with moderately high feedback. The Panharmonium settings were also changed drastically, cutting the number of voices, zeroing in on the desired frequency range, and really tuning the sampling time. Panharmonium is not always instant bliss, but given some gentle massaging it can become transformative. The Dradd(s), however, weren’t changed at all.

But even after being able to hone in on what I had hoped for the strings and the existing sound chain, there was something missing. It needed some kind of ornamentation. Something to juxtapose against the somber sounding string sequence plodding along in C minor. I initially thought of high pitched bells or sparkles of some kind, but then remembered a patch I did last summer as a test shortly before bringing a travel synth on a trip to Alaska. In that patch I used Plaits in the Vowel and Speech Synthesis algorithm (the last Green algorithm) to repeat four colors, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green. In this patch I took a slightly different approach, by using a random output from a Mutable Instruments Marbles to select the spoken color. I was quite happy with the result in the moment, but was carried away a bit during the performance with too many triggers. It should have been an occasional color spoken in a sad-ish voice to reflect the somberness of the strings, though it sometimes ended up being a robot talking over himself. I used a CV output from the Noisy Fruits Lab Lemon to control Marbles’ clock, which had a high amount of Jitter so as to not be regular. When I wanted more from Plaits, I pushed the fader to create more gates with Marbles. However I clearly pushed it too far during a couple of points. Initially I had Plaits running straight to the mixer, but later in the recording used Beads in full wet delay mode, which altered the tone slightly, and added a low number of soft repeats that really only served to add to the confusion. Plaits is simply triggered to often.

The proverbial icing on the cake was the Walrus Audio Slöer in “Light” mode, which is an octave pitch shift. But rather than a standard pitch shift, Slöer adds more of a choir or symphonic strings sound, which is absolutely beautiful. This patch used basic settings. Pitch shift volume at max, and clock speed at the slowest setting. There was a long decay, and a moderate amount of modulation.

Overall I’m quite happy with how this patch turned out. It’s beautiful and not deterministic. That said, the piece could use for some composed string sequences, even if only occasionally, in order to maximize tension and relief. I’m definitely going to try other adaptations, particularly in the timing of gates and pitch. I’m thinking the Addac508 Swell Physics might be a good place to start.

Modules Used:
Nonlinearcircuits The Hypster
Nonlinearcircuits Lets Get Fenestrated
Nonlinearcircuits Stochaos
Nonlinearcircuits Triple Sloth
Vostok Instruments Asset
Expert Sleepers Disting NT
Addac System Addac814 6×6 Stereo Matrix Mixer
Qu-Bit Electronix Nautilus
Rossum Electro-Music Panharmonium
Pladask Elektrisk Dradd(s)
Mutable Instruments Marbles
Mutabke Instruments Plaits
Mutable Instruments Beads
Knob Farm Ferry
ST Modular SVCA
Intellijel Quad VCA

Outboard Gear Used:
Echofix EF-X2
Walrus Audio Slöer
Noisy Fruits Lab Lemon

Improvised and recorded in one take on iPad in AUM via the Expert Sleepers ES-9.

  1. I was getting all sorts of sputtering and general ugliness using these samples. I’m not sure if I was overwhelming the algorithm with too many gates, or whether the sample rate or bit depth of the samples was too high, or perhaps something else, but I quickly abandoned these samples in favor of the stock LABS string samples. ↩︎

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