Jamuary 2516

Another long day at work and little time after for music making means another iPad day. In the spirit of Jamuary, the show must go on. Today I further experimented with using Alexandernaut’s truly excellent plugin, Fugue Machine. But rather than using Speldosa or some other bright and plucky sounds or cello, which I’ve done already this month, I decided to go very slow, sparse, and somber, using three of the four Fugue Machine outputs to feed the Decidedly Decent Sampler with Flannel Piano, while the fourth output fed a second instance of Decent Sampler and The Quiet Choir by Joshua Meltzer (available free on Pianobook). I can’t wait to have the ability to use Fugue Machine with the modular.

Plugins Used:
Alexandernaut Fugue Machine
Decidedly Decent Sampler
Eventide BlackHole

Performed and recorded in 1 take in AUM on iPad.
