Today’s patch was a further exploration and curating of yesterday’s Verbos patch, with help from a couple of West Coast-y friends, Frap Tools Sapel, Brenso, and Falistri. Brenso played a pivotal support role in adding texture by supplying amplitude modulation via a triangle wave to Harmonic Oscillator’s Fundamental and the Final output to the Fifth Harmonic. Brenso’s wavefolder and wave shaper were triggered and modulated by Sapel. Harmonic Oscillator was the only sound source, being modulated by Voltage Multistage and Polyphonic Envelope. The mixed output went to Multi-Delay Processor. The saw wave was patched to Amp & Tone. It started out being pinged in LPG mode, before plugging in frequency modulation of the cutoff from Sequence Selector. Two of the MDP individual tap outputs (four and eight) are patched to Scan & Pan and hard panned left and right for some ping-pong action.
Modules Used:
Verbos Harmonic Oscillator
Verbos Multi-Delay Processor
Verbos Voltage Multistage
Verbos Sequence Selector
Verbos Polyphonic Envelope
Verbos Amp & Tone
Verbos Scan & Pan
Frap Tools Brenso
Frap Tools Sapel
Frap Tools Falistri
AI Synthesis 018 Stereo Matrix Mixer
Performed and recorded in 1 take in AUM on iPad via the Expert Sleepers ES-9.