I’ve had the Verbos Harmonic Oscillator and Multi-Delay Processor for a little over a year. My very first Jamuary patch ever used it. But as I was adding to my Verbos case over much of this last year, the HO and Co. went unused. I decided I want to change that, and so I did.
This patch is loosely based on a video by Stazma (AKA The Junglechrist), though there are certainly plenty of changes. It’s not a difficult patch, but the resulting audio is compelling. The amount of drive and saturation is wonderful.
Version 1
It’s starts with two smooth random voltages from the Frap Tools Sapel into the Fundamental and Fifth Harmonic to create a base drone. The random is constantly fluctuating, so the levels of those notes are a bit unstable. It follows with a very short, attenuated envelope triggered by the random triggers from Sapel in the Sixth Harmonic, and then again by another very short envelope into the Spectral Tilt CV input. The Final mixed output of the Harmonics is patched to the input of the Multi-Delay Processor, and straight to the output mixer.
Four of the Harmonic outputs from the HO (the Third, Fourth, Seventh, and Eighth) are patched to the Verbos Scan & Pan. It’s here that each harmonic is played, rather than directly on the HO interface. The harmonics panned, and sent to the second input on the Multi-Delay Processor for some of that saturated delay goodness.
Version 2
This version doesn’t change too much, but the changes are fundamental. I’m working on “stereo-fying” mono gear, and Verbos gives us a great way to do that with the Scan & Pan. Rather than patching harmonics from the HO to the Scan & Pan, I used four of the delay taps, (Five, Six, Seven, and Eight) and hard panned taps five and seven left, with taps six and eight panned right. The HO output and Scan & Pan outputs are patched straight to the mixer.
This change was great for the stereo-fication of the Harmonic Oscillator, but at the expense of drive. The dry signal has little or no drive outside of the saturated sines from each harmonic, with the delayed signal supplying it all. It does admittedly help with clarity. Next time I’ll run the output from the MDP to the mixer with only the Dry signal on the mixed output, which should give me back the drive I’m after.
Modules Used:
Verbos Harmonic Oscillator
Verbos Multi-Delay Processor
Verbos Scan & Pan
Verbos Polyphonic Envelope
Frap Tools Sapel
Frap Tools Falistri
Frap Tools 333
AI Synthesis 018 Stereo Matrix Mixer
Performed and recorded in 1 take in AUM on iPad via the Expert Sleepers ES-9.